How to Data Processing and Analysis with Google Apps Script

Dilip Kashyap
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


Image Source: Pixabay

The ability to efficiently process and analyze data is crucial for making informed decisions. Google Sheets is a powerful tool for storing and organizing data, but its true potential can be unlocked when combined with Google Apps Script. In this article, we’ll explore how to write scripts using Google Apps Script to process and analyze data stored in Google Sheets, including generating reports, charts, and dashboards.

Getting Started with Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script is a JavaScript-based platform that allows you to extend Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) applications like Google Sheets, Docs, and Forms. It provides a powerful set of tools for automating tasks and integrating with other Google services.

To get started, open Google Sheets and navigate to “Extensions” -> “Apps Script.” This will open the Google Apps Script editor where you can write and run your scripts.

Project Overview

For this project, let’s consider a use case where we have sales data stored in a Google Sheets spreadsheet. We want to process this data to generate a sales report with charts and a dashboard summarizing key metrics.

Project Code and Explanation

function generateSalesReport() {
// Get the active spreadsheet
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

// Access the sheet containing sales data
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("SalesData");

// Get the range of data
var range = sheet.getDataRange();

// Get values from the range
var values = range.getValues();

// Process the data (e.g., calculate total sales)
var totalSales = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
totalSales += values[i][1]; // Assuming sales amount is in the second column

// Generate report
var reportSheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet();
reportSheet.appendRow(["Total Sales", totalSales]);

// Generate chart
var chart = reportSheet.newChart()
.setPosition(2, 2, 0, 0)


// Create dashboard
var dashboardSheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet();
dashboardSheet.appendRow(["Key Metrics", "Value"]);
dashboardSheet.appendRow(["Total Sales", totalSales]);

// Additional dashboard metrics can be added here



  • We start by defining a function generateSalesReport() which will be responsible for processing and analyzing the sales data.
  • We get the active spreadsheet and access the sheet containing the sales data.
  • We retrieve the range of data from the sheet and get the values within that range.
  • We process the data to calculate the total sales by iterating through the rows and summing up the sales amounts.
  • Next, we generate a sales report by creating a new sheet, naming it “SalesReport,” and appending the total sales value to it.
  • We then generate a column chart to visualize the sales data and insert it into the sales report sheet.
  • Finally, we create a dashboard sheet where key metrics such as total sales can be displayed.

Use Case Application

  • This project code can be applied in various business scenarios where sales data or any other type of data needs to be processed and analyzed.
  • It can be used by sales teams to track their performance, by financial analysts to analyze revenue trends, or by marketing teams to evaluate campaign effectiveness.
  • By automating the process of generating reports and dashboards, this script saves time and ensures consistency in data analysis across teams.


Google Apps Script provides a convenient platform for processing and analyzing data stored in Google Sheets. By writing scripts like the one outlined above, you can automate repetitive tasks, generate insightful reports, and create interactive dashboards to drive data-driven decision-making.

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Boost your Google Workspace potential with our e-book: Google Apps Script: A Beginner’s Guide. Streamline your workflow and automate tasks today. Get your copy now!

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Dilip Kashyap

Software Developer at IIT Gandhinagar | Google Workspace | Contact me at